
Local pharmacy vs. online pharmacy - from where to buy ?

Local pharmacy is creating many problem now a days. so people are going for online pharmacy. But both system has some pros and cons. If you are local pharmacy buyer then please know 13 things before you decide to buy.

1. Don't try to get anything past us. Prescriptions for painkillers or sleeping aids always get extra scrutiny.

2. We're not serving fries in here. I'd think twice about using a drive-through pharmacy. Working there distracts us-not a good thing when it comes to pharmaceuticals.

3. We're human … and we make mistakes (about two million a year). Ask if we use a bar-code system to help keep us from pulling the wrong drug off the shelf or giving the wrong strength of the right drug.

4. Sometimes we can't read the doctor's handwriting either. E-prescribing can help, but as of 2006, fewer than 20 percent of prescriptions were being electronically transmitted.

5. I hate your insurance company as much as you do. "Even if something's working for you, the insurance company may insist you switch to something else," says pharmacy owner Stuart Feldman."I'm stuck in the middle trying to explain this to customers."

6. We can give flu shots in most states.

7. A less-qualified pharmacy technician may have actually filled your prescription. Currently, there is no national standard for their training and responsibilities.

8. Generics are a close match for most brand names. But I'd be careful with blood thinners and thyroid drugs, since small differences can have big effects.

9. I can give you a generic refill that's different from the one you started with. When in doubt, ask. Online resources like cvs.com let you double-check your pill.

10. We're not mind readers, and there's not some big computer database that tracks your drugs and flags interactions for pharmacists everywhere. Use one pharmacy. If you start using a new one, make sure we know what you're taking.

11. Avoid the lines. It gets busy Monday and Tuesday evenings, since many new prescriptions and refills come in after the weekend.

12. Look into the $4 generics offered by chains like Target, Kroger, and Wal-Mart. And it can't hurt to ask your pharmacy if it will match the price.

13. Yelling at me won't help. If I can't reach your doctor and/or insurance company to approve a refill, there's nothing I can do about it. “It's frustrating,” says pharmacist Daniel Zlott, “but I'd be breaking the law in some states if I gave it to you.”

But if you are online pharmacy customer please follow these message explained below :

Hassles involving telephone calls and pieces of paper point to a weakness of online pharmacies: By and large, they're not set up to receive prescriptions from doctors electronically. As Allen Wenner puts it, "They haven't given me tools to use their services."

But they're making a start. Drugconnectionrx.com, for example, have teamed up with Hillsboro, OR-based MedicaLogic, which provides doctors with software for electronic medical records, including a Web-based version. The arrangement will allow doctors using MedicaLogic software to transmit prescriptions to the two Web drugstores via the Internet.

Similarly, online pharmacies are cultivating relationships with makers of wireless, handheld prescribing devices. Allscripts and ePhysician machines, for instance, can zap prescriptions straight to DrugConnectionRx.Com machines can digitally talk to Rx.com.

Today I was visiting yahoo answer and was surprised to see our Drugconnectionrx online pharmacy name on yahoo answer.

In reply of one question asked related to weight loss, Clark Gilbert wrote about to use Drugconnectionrx.com.

Clark Gilbert is our costumer from 5 months. He says :

In my opinion you should go for xanax or valium Medicine. I have used xanax or valium and satisfied with it's result. This can be available at your near by pharmacy. But problem is that local pharmacy will cost you higher for this medication. Personally I bought it from online pharmacy. But be aware of many online pharmacy scam. So first of all decided to ask from nearby Doctors and friends, they told me to us drugconnectionrx online pharmacy. Drugconnectionrx.com is cheap and best for weight loss. i got my medication from Florida. Don't buy medicine from overseas. they all are scammed. I think I spoke to one Jazz and Jasmine, beautiful names and beautiful service they give, very patient and accommodating, I order with them all the time.

Thank you clark for your opinion for drugconnectionrx.com thank you our other customers too for long time good relationship with Drugconnectionrx.com


Electronically transmitted prescriptions could boost e-pharmacies

Electronically transmitted prescriptions could boost e-pharmacies
A good news from DrugConnectionRx.Com
Hassles involving telephone calls and pieces of paper point to a weakness of online pharmacies: By and large, they're not set up to receive prescriptions from doctors electronically. As Allen Wenner puts it, "They haven't given me tools to use their services."

But they're making a start. Drugconnectionrx.com, for example, have teamed up with Hillsboro, OR-based MedicaLogic, which provides doctors with software for electronic medical records, including a Web-based version. The arrangement will allow doctors using MedicaLogic software to transmit prescriptions to the two Web drugstores via the Internet.

Similarly, online pharmacies are cultivating relationships with makers of wireless, handheld prescribing devices. Allscripts and ePhysician machines, for instance, can zap prescriptions straight to DrugConnectionRx.Com machines can digitally talk to Rx.com.

The number of states allowing electronically transmitted prescriptions has been increasing in recent years—a trend that's bound to continue, especially in light of the highly publicized Institute of Medicine report on medical errors. According to the IOM, the US health care system could save many lives by relying on computer technology that would eliminate such problems as hard-to-read handwritten medical records. DrugConnectionRx.com's Linda, for one, says the IOM report will spur greater regulatory acceptance of e-prescriptions. "It's widely known this is the way to cut down on medical errors," she notes.

Currently, 32 states explicitly sanction electronically transmitted prescriptions from a doctor to an in-state pharmacy, while 10 states and the District of Columbia forbid it. The rest take stands in between or don't address the issue. When a doctor wants to send a prescription to an out-of-state pharmacy, states are less accommodating—26 say Yea; 12, plus DC, say Nay.

Prescriptions coursing along the Internet may someday become commonplace, but doctors won't be sending them exclusively to the likes of Rx.com. Traditional drugstore chains such as Walgreens and Phar-Mor have opened their own Web sites, and any mom-and-pop competitor can do likewise. In addition, PBM giant Merck-Medco is converting much of its mail-order business to the Internet, providing Web start-ups with a formidable competitor.

In effect, traditional pharmacies and PBMs are copying e-pharmacies—while the e-pharmacies, in their efforts to rush drugs to customers, increasingly resemble their rivals. Meanwhile, analysts such as James Kumpel wonder whether "pure" online pharmacies—which have no physical retail presence—will ever evolve beyond a niche role of providing discount maintenance medications.

Most important to doctors, though, is that as electronic connectivity spreads in health care, expressions such as "online pharmacy" will be less and less relevant. When everybody's online—patients, doctors, drugstores—you simply do as the Romans do: You press the "send" button.


DrugConnectionRx Online Pharmacies: When You Absolutely Want… and Need… Confidentiality

Sometimes, you don’t want to talk to someone about your problems, especially when they pertain to medical issues. In fact, there are plenty of people who eschew going to the doctor, even when they need help, just because they don’t want to reveal what they consider “secrets” about themselves. Fortunately, there are now online pharmacies which cater to individuals who desire confidentiality more than anything else.
Truly, online pharmacies have far more security measures in place than their brick-and-mortar counterparts. Here, we’ll look at some of the differences… and why you should consider switching to online pharmacies if you haven’t already.
Situation: You have to order prescriptions for conditions that are “embarrassing”, such as erectile dysfunction or genital herpes.
With Traditional Pharmacies: At least one person – the pharmacist – will know what you have ordered. However, if you have to ask for a refill or if he or she mentions the name of your prescribed drug, others might discover what you are taking. Though it’s none of their business and you shouldn’t care if they know, it’s still awkward.
With Online Pharmacies: No one will know who you are, and you’ll never have to see someone face-to-face. Even if you do feel the need to call the customer service personnel with a question, you can be assured that they won’t be your neighbors, just caring voices on the line.
Situation: You want to ask a number of questions of a pharmacist, but feel a bit reluctant or distrusting.
With Traditional Pharmacies: You’ll have to gear yourself up for what could be a difficult conversation. And there’s no guarantee that someone walking around in the drugstore or grocery store won’t hear what you’re saying.
With Online Pharmacies: Most online pharmacies have a wealth of information in terms of statistics, drug information and articles right at your fingertips. They also offer opportunities to ask questions of pharmacists… anonymously. This is yet another reason for their popularity.
Situation: You are ordering medications for your husband, wife or other relative and you just don’t want people knowing what he or she takes; it’s none of their business.
With Traditional Pharmacies: You may have to still talk about the medication with the pharmacist. And in some places, it might become a hassle to prove your relation to the patient.
With Online Pharmacies: As long as you know the person’s information, you can easily order from online pharmacies and have medications sent straight to your loved one’s home.
Situation: You don’t have much time to race around to a drugstore; and if you take too much time doing it, someone is bound to find out about your prescription medication.
With Traditional Pharmacies: You don’t have much of a choice except to get in the car or on the bus and travel to your store. They surely won’t come to you.
With Online Pharmacies: Online pharmacies are set up for this situation. Your prescription medications can be sent to your door in an unmarked package. That way, you’ll be able to maintain a high level of confidentiality while getting the prescription drugs that you need.
Situation: It may sound silly, but you’re concerned about people seeing the package from the pharmacy.
With Traditional Pharmacies: You’ll have to make certain that the bag from the pharmacy is hidden from sight. And don’t drop it in the car or on the street – the medication could easily fall out.
With Online Pharmacies: Your prescription medication will be sent right to your door, no questions asked. Though your name will be on the package, no one – even your mail, UPS or Fed-Ex carriers – will know what in the world is inside. It’ll be your little “secret”, just the way you want it!
Situation: You’d like to try out a medication like Viagra, but don’t want to discuss it with your family doctor for a variety of reasons.
With Traditional Pharmacies: They’ll want a prescription from a doctor… which means you’ll have to swallow your pride and talk with your physician about your desire to try the drug.
With Online Pharmacies: Many online pharmacies can recommend Internet-based doctors for you to consider. Then, if you and the physician get along, you may be able to receive a prescription without ever stepping foot in a doctor’s office.
eDrugstore.MD is an online pharmacy boasting over eight years of selling FDA-Approved online prescriptions, at the lowest prices available on the internet. Garner an array of benefits associated with buying prescription medicines from the Internet's leading online pharmacy.

How to Find an Honest, Reliable Online Pharmacy you Can Trust

The Safe Way For Skeptics To Order Online Prescriptions

Are you having trouble finding an online pharmacy you can trust? One that gives you an online prescription for the same authentic drugs that you'd find at your neighborhood pharmacy, but at a far lower cost? With the large number of disreputable online pharmacies operating on the Internet today, it's not surprising that consumers are bewildered and skeptical.

With this in mind, we have prepared a list of dos and don'ts to follow when looking for and ordering from an online pharmacy. By keeping these tips in mind, even an Internet skeptic can enjoy all the benefits of getting an online prescription at a lower cost without compromising on health and safety.

In addition, we have compiled some useful resources and links on the subject of online pharmacies and the best way to safely get an online prescription. We hope it helps you learn about and explore various online pharmacy options.

Online Pharmacy Dos:

* Check with your doctor before purchasing drugs from an online pharmacy. More than anyone else, your doctor is aware of your medical history and can advise you if a particular medication is suitable for you. And if you have a serious medical condition, it is even more important to inform your doctor before obtaining an online prescription.

* Always check to see that the online pharmacy is staffed by fully licensed professional pharmacists. Reputable online pharmacies.

* Make sure the online pharmacy you select sells only FDA-approved medication. Before ordering an online prescription, also check to see if the website clearly states that the products it sells are made by the bona fide manufacturers of the drug.

* Watch out for counterfeit drugs. There have been numerous cases where online pharmacies have sold counterfeit or fake drugs. These are often ineffective or dangerous to your health. When you receive your online prescription, check the delivery carefully to ensure that the package appears genuine and has not been broken or tampered with.

* All online pharmacies should clearly post their privacy and security policies on their site. Make sure you read these carefully before providing any sensitive information such as your credit card details and medical history.

* Be extra careful if purchasing drugs from online pharmacies located outside the US. With overseas online pharmacies, there is no way to ensure that the product you ordered is genuine. It is very likely that the drug has not been manufactured, stored, packaged, and shipped under the same safety standards outlined by the FDA. Some foreign online pharmacies also sell drugs that have been banned in the US.

* Do take advantage of the significantly lower prices offered by many online pharmacies.

* Do enjoy the time you save when you order from an online pharmacy! Remember - with an online prescription, you won't spend time traveling to and from the neighborhood drugstore or waiting in line for your prescription.

Online Pharmacy Don'ts:

* Don't consider using online pharmacies that are not US-licensed to write and fill an online prescription.

* Never accept an online prescription for drugs that have not been approved by the FDA. These may not work as indicated or could harm your health and may even be life-threatening.

* Don't purchase anything from an online pharmacy that has an ambiguous privacy policy or that fails to clearly assure you how they will protect your personal information.

* Don't purchase from online pharmacies that make unrealistic claims about miracle drugs.

* Don't be fooled by online pharmacies that advertise unrealistically low prices for their products. They could be fake, counterfeit or illegal drugs.

* Never accept or take drugs if you suspect that the package has been tampered with or broken, or if the product inside doesn't look right. Notify the online pharmacy's customer service department immediately if you suspect a problem.

* Don't keep quiet if the online pharmacy you ordered from fails to deliver your order or if you find unexplained or unauthorized charges on your credit card statement. If you believe that an online pharmacy has engaged in unlawful pharmaceutical sales, do not hesitate to notify the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

How to Use our Online Pharmacy @ DrugConnectionRx

Along with many other Internet shopping sites, both those set up by long established stores and those that are new, the online pharmacy has become a fixture in today’s society. Once we had no choice but to travel to our local brick and mortar pharmacy to pick up our prescriptions or to buy over the counter medications and other medical supplies, but now we have other options.
Relatively new as far as most people are concerned, the online pharmacy affords some distinct advantages over buying medications and other medical supplies from your local pharmacy. These advantages can include better prices, more discreet transactions, and more convenience. Some people are reluctant, however, to do their pharmacy business online, simply because they are not familiar with how business is done over the Internet. The good news is that when people find out how it works, they are pleasantly surprised at the ease of which transactions with an online pharmacy can be done, and most people are happy to do repeat business with them.
If you are interested in using an online pharmacy but are not quite sure how to go about doing it, there are certain guidelines you can follow to ease your transition from the local pharmacy that you are used to using to using one on the web. First, you want to do an initial search on the Internet for an online pharmacy. As an alternative to this, you can also ask other people that you know if they have used one, and ask for some recommendations. If you are conducting the search yourself, you want to search for reputable pharmacies that are licensed, and of course you want to find a pharmacy that carries a wide selection of medications. Once you have decided on which one you want to use, you want to make sure that it carries the medication that you are looking for. This should be easy enough to find out, since almost every online pharmacy has a search option where you can put in the name of the medication that you are looking for. When you put the name of your medication into the search box, you will get results showing you if they carry the medication, and specific information about generic equivalents and such.
After you have found a pharmacy that carries your medication - and that should be easy enough to do - then you will move to the ordering process. You should have your prescription note in hand, because you will need the information provided on the prescription note in order to correctly order your medication. The pharmacy website will be able to walk you through the process, since they do their best to make the process user friendly. There should be an online form that you fill out where you put in your prescription information; usually including the name of the medication, the amount of medication prescribed, the name of the doctor or clinic prescribing the medication, etc. One advantage of using a pharmacy that is located online is that many times you can schedule your refills to be sent at the appropriate times. The pharmacy will work with you on this, allowing for the time it takes the medication to reach you once mailed, so that you will receive your refills right when you need them. This is very advantageous when you know that the refills will be needed. When you are not sure whether or not you will need refills of your medication, you can still schedule them to be sent, but can cancel any future orders if it turns out that they won’t be necessary. This can all be done online, or even on the phone if that is the method that you prefer.
The online pharmacy will give you payment options, with a credit or debit card usually being the preferred method of payment for most people. You want to be sure that the web site offers secure, encrypted credit or debit card transactions, and you will find that this is the case for the majority of web sites. Ordering your medication using a credit or debit card through a web site that uses secure, encrypted transaction methods is very safe. The encryption process ensures that nobody but the pharmacy will receive your credit or debit card information, and even then it goes through a payment software program – no person is actually viewing your information. DrugConnectionRx is an online pharmacy boasting over eight years of selling


Why do people prefer Generic Drugs?

FDA-approved generic drugs are bioequivalent and therapeutically equivalent to their brand-name counterparts. People can use them with total confidence.

Generics are usually priced up to 70 percent less than equivalent brand-name versions, because brand-name drugs invest large amounts of money to advertise and persuade you to buy their product, because generic manufacturers spend less on advertising and product development and because generic versions of the same medication create competition and competition can drive prices down (Source: US Food and Drug Administration).


Online Pharmacy - Lowest Prices for FDA-Approved Online Prescriptions

Online Pharmacy - DrugConnectionRx
Lowest Prices for FDA-Approved Online Prescriptions

As the Internet's leading online pharmacy, our drug store offers a safe, secure, private, and convenient way to buy your online prescriptions. Our pharmacists and physicians are US-licensed, and our online pharmacy store only dispenses FDA-approved prescription medications.

Plus, our online pharmacy offers free medical consultations and sells only authentic FDA-approved medications to safeguard your health.

So you get the most competitive pricing on safe, genuine online prescriptions, quick shipping, and protection of your privacy when you order through our online pharmacy drug store.


Golden tips for online pharmacy . How to protect yourself against it

Online pharmacy or an opportunity to purchase a medicine you need without leaving your chair in front of your monitor and going to the nearest drugstore or chemist’s is a very popular business on the Internet space that intercepts heaviest portions of online traffic due to a number of advantages available with online drug order.

However, in many cases such kind of shopping results in deplorable aftermaths that turn out at best to be useless medications and at worst malware infected PCs, lost money and damaged health. Our series of articles dedicated to the issues of Internet pharmacy scam represents a descriptive material in no way intended to make any accusations or abuse to companies or individuals. The main aim we pursue is to help Internet consumers protect themselves against the fraud that after all may cost them their lives.

What you should know ?

In protecting yourselves from illegal and harmful medicine treatment offered from the colored pages of online drug stores you need to always consult your doctors at first and then those six main entities that provide not only the standards and directives that help us to detect if the pharmaceutical web is legal or not, but also fresh and updated listings of the sites dangerous for users. Here we cite some vital things you should know when purchasing medicine via the Internet.

Federal law prohibits buying controlled substances such as narcotic pain relievers (e.g., OxyContin®, Vicodin ®), sedatives (e.g., Valium®, Xanax®, Ambien®), stimulants (e.g., phentermine, phendimetrazine, Adderall®, Ritalin®) and anabolic steroids (e.g., Winstrol®, Equipoise®) without a valid prescription from your doctor. This means there must be a real doctor-patient relationship, which by most state laws requires a physical examination. Prescriptions written by "cyber doctors" relying on online questionnaires are not legitimate under the law.

Buying controlled substances online without a valid prescription may be punishable by imprisonment under Federal law. Often drugs ordered from rogue websites come from foreign countries. It is a felony to import drugs into the United States and ship to a non-DEA registrant.

In the interest of protecting patient safety, NABP recommends only those Internet pharmacies that are accredited through the Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites™ (VIPPS®) program. NABP has verified that these pharmacies are appropriately licensed, professionally operating, and have successfully completed the well-recognized and rigorous VIPPS criteria evaluation and on-site inspection.

The problem with buying medicine from foreign sources is that you never know what you’re getting. For instance, a Web site calling itself a “Canadian pharmacy” may actually obtain its medications from countries in Asia, South America, or Eastern Europe, where quality standards are more lax and counterfeit medications more widespread. While counterfeit medications can surface anywhere, they are significantly more common in developing foreign countries.

Because the identity, purity, and safety of drugs purchased from foreign sources cannot be guaranteed, it is illegal (with very few exceptions) to ship prescription drugs that are not approved by FDA into the United States, regardless of whether the drug is legal to sell in another country.

More than 50 percent of Internet drug outlets, which conceal an actual address, have counterfeit drugs, according to the World Health Organization. Counterfeit drug sales are increasing at nearly twice the rate of legitimate drug sales and may expand to a $75 billion industry globally by 2010, according to the nonprofit Center for Medicine in the Public Interest.

How you can detect a scam ?

First of all you need to check their contact data. Usually illegal and unapproved organizations selling medicine through the Internet have no exact details related to their legal address, contact number and email. DrugDelivery.ca notes:
More than 90% of the online pharmacies out there do not list phone numbers or addresses and this lack of contact information says many things about the pharmacy:

  • We don’t want to talk to you and

  • We want to remain anonymous
One important item to note is a website address. It should like a reputable domain name. for instance, something in the nature of http://www.drugconnectionrx.com/ instead of unreadable set of letters and symbols like this www.amiaminifg.net. moreover, rather then using domain names some sites just provide links to their IP address: “This is not just laziness on the part of the pharmacy, this is done on purpose. By using an IP address the fraudulent website can easily move anonymously from server to server without any problem,” warns DrugConnectionRx.
  1. You should also pay significant attention to the source of where you learn about any Internet service like medicine selling. The absolute worst place to hear about any pharmacy is unsolicited email (otherwise known as SPAM). You shouldn’t as well be very trusting to banner ads and affiliate sites. As long as the Internet services advertising other sites are paid, they do not bother themselves with checking the legitimacy of the promoted products. So if they are being paid to refer you to a pharmacy, the only thing they care about is which pharmacy will pay them the most for the referral, not which pharmacy is the most legit.
  2. Whenever you are visiting a site and are at a page where they are requesting information such as your credit card, make absolute sure they have an SSL certificate (little lock at the bottom right hand corner of your browser) present, because if they do not you are just asking for trouble. The lack of this symbol means that your information is being sent over the Internet in plain text, and anyone (including your ISP) could read it without trouble.
  3. Pay attention to the tracking number option. Like DrugConnectionRx uses UPS and provides Tracking Number on their own site. Most legal sites provide the tracking numbers for the consumers’ orders and you should know some key factors in this regard to avoid potentially fraudulent transaction. Fake online drugstores will provide you with a tracking number, but the only way you can track the order is through their own website. They usually provide a number of falsified reasons as to why this may be, but that is beside the point. They just wait for your money so as to disappear after they received them. Make sure that whichever company you deal with will give you a tracking number for a service you can actually track yourself (UPS,FedEx, DHL, USPS, etc).
  4. Remember that getting a merchant account (the ability to process MasterCard and Visa) is not an easy task, even for a legitimate website. Just having one is not a basis for legitimacy. For those fraudulent websites that are either too lazy or incapable of acquiring such an account, they will just throw up a website and “pretend” to charge you for the order. They will then save all your credit card details (and those of a few thousands other people) to be sold/used at a later date for some other types of fraud. After you place an order with any new company online, give your bank a call 2-3 days later and see if it was charged. If it has not been charged, you may want to call the company and find out why. Some companies may just charge you when the order is about to be shipped so it is not an immediate cause for alarm, but then again, you never know unless you ask.

But these are not the only criteria to determine the fake and fraudulent pharmacy sites. DrugConnectionRx have more factors and aspects to consider. Besides, there are some things we just cannot access. That is why in case you have some doubts you can freely contact DrugConnectionRx with the latter promising “we will look into it for you”.

Online Internet Pharmacy @ DrugConnectionRx

Drugconnectionrx.com is an online pharmacy located in the United States of America. We allow all our customers to purchase prescription drugs without any prior medical prescription. Our team of US licensed physicians will review the order form and prescribe the selected medication for free.

All orders are shipped using UPS overnight service. As soon as your prescription is approved by our physicians your order is shipped. We guarantee the best prices compared to any no prescription online pharmacy located in the United States selling only FDA approved medications.

We are proud to bring you our wide selection of prescription drugs all of them FDA approved and shipped from the United State. You'll be able to order online and over the phone 24x7. No Waiting for Doctors and no extra fees for medical prescriptions, you can order anytime, with No prior prescription needed!

Our online pharmacy no prescription provides the convenience of ordering medications from your own home or office at the time that suits you! Buy prescription drugs online Safely and Securely through our secure transaction server, and pay using a wide range of credit cards.

Our online order process could not be simpler, just select the prescription drug you need, fill in our medical questionnaire, and submit your order. Our U.S Licensed Physicians will review your order and issue your drug prescription. Next, our U.S. Licensed Pharmacies will dispense, and UPS your order discreetly using overnight delivery. You can contact our no online pharmacy at any time 24/7 either by clicking the Live Help button for a live chat session with our customer service staff, or you can call us.

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We look forward to help you with all your medical needs, this time, and in the future. Not only our customers love our products, but they also tell us they greatly appreciate our efforts to get the products in their hands as quickly and discreetly as possible. Happy customers result in a good business - we do all we can to keep our customers fully satisfied with our services! No Prescription Online Pharmacy is your convenient, safe and private online source for FDA approved medications without prescription